Improved EDS – Enhanced Information Protection

20 Jan 2023

[Improved EDS – Enhanced Information Protection]

Recently CS Company has developed a feature that enables  generation of the new types of the electronic digital signature (EDS).

EDS: Why and Where  is It Used?

Use of the EDS prevents the distortion of the information in the e-document from the moment the EDS was created, also the signature affiliation is being verified i.e. the owner of the EDS key certificate.
CBS B2 user can use the EDS, for example, for the documents that are generated during the banking day while making different payments that are formed for the exchange with the System of Electronic Payments of the NBU (hereinafter referred to as “SEP”).  

How is It Created?

The signature is created as a result of the cryptographic transformation of the data with a use of the EDS secret key. Simultaneously  the security system of the CBS B2 is provided by the different formats of the cryptographic messages, including the CAdES. The use of this format as a one from the recommended list is  regulated  by the Order № 140/614 of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine of 30.09.2020.

Why the CAdES Format? Use It  for the Work with SEP-4

The previously used formats had certain limitations in comparison with the CAdES. Also the support of the CAdES-format line is provided by the transit to the SEP-4 for the messages exchange between the members and the SEP Processing Center. Use of the EDS prevents the distortion of documents from the moment they were created until they were sent to the SEP and from the moment they were received by the SEP Processing Center until their upload to the core banking system.  

More about the format’s advantages: 

  • Functional compatibility (interaction ability) regarding the data formats. 
  • Compliance with the regulatory requirements
  • Ability of signature verification after the certificate expiry date (for the appropriate types of EDS).

Today banks use different types of the CAdES-format (types of EDS), supported by us: CAdES-BES and CAdES-X long.

CAdES-X long signature is ruled by DSTU ETSI TS 101 733:2009. The main advantage of this signature is its long-term saving, so it can be verified even long after. 

Implemented Developments

CS Company expanded the line of the EDS types for the libraries signature of the Author provider: the CAdES-X long type was added (previously only the CAdES-BES was used).
Also, for the signature of the Cipher provider the library that allows the use of the both EDS types was added: CAdES-BES and CAdES-X long, and also the library for the use of the Code-X.509.

Regarding the libraries that comply with the requirements and meet all the  bank’s needs, including data exchange through the SEP, today the CS Company has integration with the cryptoproviders of the companies – IIT, Author, Cipher.

To get more detailed information about EDS licenses purchase, please, contact our customer service department: [email protected]

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