[Trade Finance]

Trade Finance

It is hard to imagine the work of the bank which service priority is corporate business without financial istruments of trade financing. Now business of almost any company is connected with vendors and customers – from purchase of materials, equipment to sale of finished products. Your bank can offer its customers the full support of their trade business: customers can get a delay of payment for a long period and at the same time get revenues immediately after delivery, make settlements on export-import contracts.


  • financial services set provided by the bank to companies that work with their customers on deferred payment terms
  • control of the debt status of the customer delivery, control of treasury limits, set on debtor/vendor
  • accrual of interest and fees for the account receivable management in the period of deferred payment

Letters of credit and guarantees

  • bank guarantee delivery and a letter of credit opening, of letter of credit, maintaining information on import letters of credit and guarantees
  • automation of accounting transactions, making payments on letters of credit, charge commissions
  • generation of SWIFT-messages

Export-import contracts

  • services set for export-import contracts service
  • receive and print of the electronic registers of customs declarations
  • analysis of payment documents with reference to the contract, payments and mutual settlements between contracts
  • control of cash receipts and products/services
  • analysis tools of export-import operations
  • violation report generation to the National Bank and tax administration

Bill avalization

  • entering information about avalized bills, registers generation and sending to the State Customs Service, the imposition of operator's digital signature on the registry file
  • monitoring of the generated files status, receiving receipts for the sent files

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+380 67 571-71-54

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[Bank Lviv]
[Sense Bank]
[OTP Bank]
[Piraeus Bank]
[Portal Bank]